Document 1970 DOCN M94A1970 TI Developing support structures for HIV/AIDS pastoral care providers. DT 9412 AU Fuller J; Vitillo RJ; National Catholic AIDS Network, San Francisco. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):41 (abstract no. 137B/D). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370605 AB OBJECTIVE: Well-trained providers of pastoral/spiritual support are essential members of a comprehensive HIV care team. However, pastoral caregivers often find themselves unprepared, isolated, unsupported, or struggling to reflect theologically with others upon their experience of providing care in the context of HIV/AIDS. METHODS: In response to requests by Catholic AIDS providers for a national organization to support initial training, continuing education, peer support, and theological reflection of its ministers, the National Catholic AIDS Network (NCAN) was formed in 1990. RESULTS: NCAN now provides technical assistance, communications networking, referral, and opportunities for theological reflection among 2700 individuals and 600 organizations involved in HIV/AIDS care. NCAN also sponsors an annual HIV/AIDS ministry conference for several hundred participants from the US and abroad, and publishes a national referral directory of organizations and individuals providing HIV/AIDS services. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: NCAN exemplifies one model of a grassroots organization that can be developed at a national level to educate and support pastoral ministers, to stimulate theological reflection, and to increase the consciousness of the churches to their responsibility in the AIDS epidemic. DE Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/*PSYCHOLOGY Catholicism Clergy/*PSYCHOLOGY Education, Continuing Human Organizations *Pastoral Care/EDUCATION *Social Support Stress, Psychological/PSYCHOLOGY United States MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).